Leatherhead Bowling club takes great pride in providing its members with an excellent programme of coaching. We have a national level coach who gives up his time during the season to train and develop members skills from the beginner to the advanced player.
Leatherhead Bowling Club’s Qualified Coach has DBS clearance and has received Safeguarding Awareness training. He continues to attend courses and workshops to hone his skills in delivering effective coaching to meet all needs from new bowler, disabled bowler through to enhancing team performance.
So how much of this is you?
“I always play a bit heavy”
“I always play a bit narrow on that hand. I can never find the green”
“It takes me a few ends to warm up”
“I hate it when they bring the mat right up. I just go to pieces”
“And of course it rained, and I just can’t play in the rain”
How useful is your practicing? Is it Purposeful? And how well do you do when it comes to a team match? Do you go off because the skip expects too much, or does not communicate well? Does your team do as well as it should?
Ask yourself if you would like a little help to manage these situations.
Nobody can make you a Champion but maybe it would be nice to have just a few “Well Played” comments now and again in your next Club friendly?
COACHING is not just for Beginners
Coaching can help a player to analyze why the bowl will not go where it was meant to go consistently, making the difference between frustration and success. Your action can be videoed allowing you to see for yourself what is good and what needs attention.
Through using the knowledge gained the coach can start the player on the road to success by developing the skill levels and providing purposeful practices to maintain them.
• Can’t play a good forehand drawing shot?
• Only ever play backhand and have done so for years?
• Dread being asked to play a running or firing shot?
• Used to be deadly accurate when firing but not lately?
A Coach can help.
Each individual is different and a Coach can help with all aspects of the game as individuals develop their skills and knowledge.
As events such as the Olympics demonstrate, success comes through working with your team. At the heart of good teams is effective communication and trust. In Bowls, knowing how to read and build heads is a critical skill. Coaching with teams can build those match winning attributes.
Make a difference to your Bowling by contacting one of our qualified Coaches.
Coaching sessions can be arranged by mutual agreement with the club coach and there is a specific programme of coaching for those new to the game each Sunday morning during the season.
If you are looking for a club that can develop your skills as bowler you need look no further.


Sue Lokkerbol

Terry Dickenson

Rob Corlett
Jill Hopkins