This is where we describe the various Competitions, Leagues and Drives in which members may participate. Unless otherwise stated.
• Singles competitions are played with 4 bowls per player. First player to 21 shots wins
• Pairs competitions are played with 4 bowls each player over 18 ends. Highest shot count wins
• Triples competitions are played with 3 bowls each player over 18 ends. Highest shot count wins
• Fours competitions are played with 2 bowls per player over 21 ends. Highest shot count wins
• All playing members are eligible to enter all competitions unless otherwise stated
ICompetitions are played in rounds throughout the season, except for 1 Day competitions where all rounds are played on one day, culminating in a final on FINALS DAY. It is important that rounds are completed by the scheduled round date.
Need to arrange a match? Click here to view a password protected list of members telephone numbers . You'll need the gate code to access.
Click on the button to see 2023 finalists and winners.
Mixed Competitions
Beginners Trophy (Handicapped)
A singles handicap competition for all new bowlers only during their first three years of membership. New members with previous experience outdoors are not eligible, However bowlers with experience under other codes may enter. It is held as a round robin with the number of rounds determined by the number of entrants per year group. The highest scoring player from year one group will compete on finals day as a standard singles match against the best player from the Year 2 and year 3 group.
Handicapping between year groups is based purely on length of membership. Players have a 2 shot advantage for each year conceded to the newer player.
Headley Court Cup
The four players who have achieved the highest aggregate score at 4 Spoon Drives, or the top four scores if more than 4 have been played, are invited to play off for this cup under singles rules.
Ivan Foote Cup
As for the Headley Cup except the aggregation is over Saturday drives held in the season before Finals Day.
A singles un-handicapped competition
Two Wood Cup
A singles competition where players only have 2 woods per end, played over 21 ends but where only shots within 1 metre of the Jack can score.
Seniors Shield
Singles un-handicapped competition only open to members aged over 70.
Nominated Pairs Cup
A pairs competition where pairing are choosen by players. It is open to all members with the restriction that one member of each sex must be represented.
Nominated Two Wood Pairs Cup
This pairs competition is played with 2 woods only. Pairs may be of same sex with pairing decided by draw. The competition is held on one day as a round robin, to determine two pairs to compete for the cup on Finals Day.
Drawn Triples Cup
A one day round robin competition is held to find two triples teams to play for the cup on Finals Day. Members of each team are drawn.
Drawn Fours Cup
A one day round robin competition is held to find two fours teams to play for the cup on Finals Day. Members of each team are drawn.
Spoon Drives
Held on a Wednesday afternoon. Sign in by 2:15 on the day, games start at 2:30. Players are drawn into teams depending on the number present and play either triples or fours against one another for 7 ends. The teams are then drawn again for a further 7 ends before a final draw and play of 7 ends. Each individual carries his/her score from each match. The winner of the day's prize is the player with the highest aggregate score. In the event of a draw, the winner is decided by the player nearest the Jack in one final end.
Held on generally 4 Saturdays and 2 Bank Holiday Mondays these drives are run as for spoon drives, except that there is no trophy for
the winner. There is a cup for the highest scorer over the total of these Saturday/Bank holiday drives.
100 Up!
A league starting early in the season based on sets play, with a requirement that at least one beginner is included in each team
A league starting early in the season based on sets play, with a requirement that at least one beginner is included in each team
A mixed competition running from the beginning of the season until early May, twice per week in the evenings.
Teams of 4 are drawn on the night from players who turn up.
Teams play rinks in the usual way except that the scoring is based on the nearest 5 bowls irrespective of whose they are. Thus if team A has the shot bowl + a 5th nearest. they would score 6 points, while Team B with 3 seconds would score (4+3+2), 9 points Every bowler's bowl matters. First team to 100 points wins.
At the end of each game an individual takes the score of his team and this is recorded.The competition winner is decided as the person with the best total score
This competition runs from the start of the season until early May twice weekly usually on Monday and Friday evenings. During Covid restrictions if more than 24 players turn up play will be allocated to the first 24 players to arrive at the club.
Margaret Barham Triples League.
Members are encouraged to play in this mixed triples league competition played later in the season and often under floodlights. Teams are made up of club members and all teams play on the same evenings. There are 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw. The team with the highest point count wins.
Ladies Competitions
Ladies Championship
A singles un-handicapped competition for Ladies.
Ladies Handicap Cup
A singles competition for Ladies played to a handicap (from 0 to 7) decided before the draw. Handicaps are judged by the Club Ladies Captain, Ladies Vice- Captain and Competition Secretary based on
the past 3 year’s performance.
Vi Smith Shield
A singles competition open to all Ladies who have not won any club singles competition (with the exception of the Beginners Trophy and Headley Court Cup).
Drawn Pairs Plate
A competition with 2 ladies drawn from entry lists divided into "skips" and "#1s".
Two Wood Cup
Singles competition where lady players only have 2 woods per end, played over 21 ends but where only shots within 1 metre of the Jack
can score.
Men’s Competitions
Men's Championship
A singles un-handicapped competition for men.
Men's Handicap Cup
A singles competition for men played to a handicap (from 0 to 7) decided before the draw. Handicaps are judged by the Club Captain, Vice- Captain and Competition Secretary based on the past 3 year’s performance.
Allen Cup
A singles competition open to all men who have not won any club singles competition (with the exception of the Beginners Trophy and Headley Court Cup).
Drawn Pairs Cup
Competition of 2 men players drawn from entry lists of "skips" and 1s".
Other Competitions
Members are also eligible to play in West Surrey Bowls Association and Surrey Bowls Association competitions. These competitions are detailed on the respective association web sites.
External Leagues
The Club participates in 2 league competitions with other clubs for teams of 4 players.
West Surrey League
Games for MEN are played on a Friday evening starting no later than 6:15pm and may be at home or at a local club’s green. The Club enters one team per match. Two points are scored for a win, one point for a draw. In the event of a tie at the end of the season the club with the shot average wins.
Chrystie League
Games for MEN are played on Monday evenings starting no later than 6:15pm and may be at home or at a local club’s green. The clubs we play include those from East Surrey. Club enters two teams per match. Two points are scored for a win, one point for a draw. In the event of a tie at the end of the season the club with the shot average wins.
Insurance League
Games for Ladies are played by arrangement with other clubs in the afternoon.
Cunningham Eves Challenge
As a new law firm in Leatherhead, Cunningham Eves want to raise their local profile particularly in Ashtead and Leatherhead. They are particularly interested in providing services to those of us who are of the "bowling age" and have therefore decided to sponsor the Ashtead and Leatherhead bowling clubs. Each club will be sponsored with a payment of £250 and the challenge competition is targeted to include less experienced and newer bowlers. There will two matches one at each of the club's green. Both clubs will select rink teams with similar balance between newer bowlers and those with more experience and each challenge match will consist of 6 rinks. Each match will be played over 16 ends with 2 trial ends at the start. Team members will rotate within their rink after 4 ends. The initial skip will play the first 4 ends and then move to 3 for the next 4 ends and the lead moves to skip. This continues with a change every 4 ends until the match finishes. At the end of the challenge the winning rink from each club will receive a "top rink" prize of £40 per team. The balance of the sponsorship will be added to club funds.